Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Earth Magnetosphere on pressure

Artist Impression of the magnetosphere of Earth
Since i know about the magnetic field of our planet i'm deeply impresses how it protect us from the incoming solar wind. This drawing was done using scintific data of pressure measurements.
Feel free to share it!     L O V E    E A R T H

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Sun-Earth eclipse from Space

Sunrise from Space :: Apollo 12 :: November 1969 coming home from the moon  ::  NASA
16mm motion picture camera    :::   S80-37406 (14-24 Nov. 1969)

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Biggest solar flare of 2014

X4.9-class solar flare viewed with AIA 304 ::  25. February 2014  ::  Image Credit: NASA/SDO
Massive X4.9-class solar flare: a coronal mass ejection (CME), a giant burst of plasma
at an expansion velocity near 2,000 km/s (measurement of Radio emissions from shock waves)

The sun is currently in the active phase of its 11-year solar cycle.

Solar Storms supercharge Earth's northern lights.

Image Credit: NASA/SDO

Solar Flare June 2014

almost 24 hours of Solar Flare 10.6.2014

Thursday, 1 January 2015