Wednesday 29 October 2014

The milkyway in different wavelengths

Gamma-Ray (Fermi All Sky Survey) high-energy: 10 keV – 300 GeV
X-Ray (ROSAT All Sky Survey)  high-energy: 0.1 to 2 keV
The Visual Sky (DSS / Wikisky) 1 – 10 eV  the visible electromagnetic spectrum
H-Alpha (WHAM / SHASSA / VTSS / Finkbeiner)  Hydrogen gas: 656.3 nanometres wavelength
Far Infrared (IRAS)  infrared emission from galaxies and warm dust called infrared cirrus: 12, 25, 60, 100 µm (micrometre)
Microwave (Planck)  nine microwave wavelength bands ranging from 10mm to 0.35mm.  
As well as seeing the oldest light in the Universe, it also sees gas and dust within our own Galaxy.
Radio (Haslam)  408MHz   electrons radiation, emission from the milkywaydisk, remnants of nearby ancient supernova and distant radio galaxies.

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